
Cooking time for roast, by weight

e.g. roast beef or chicken

If the quantity is larger or smaller than the recipe, how long should it be cooked? We take the following example :

  • We follow a recipe that gives us, for weight m1, cooking time t1.
  • We would like to know the cooking time t2, for weight m2.
Roast chicken

Cooking mode

The calculator assumes that the cooking temperature is the same.

Geometric shape

The calculator assumes that your roast has the same geometric shape than the roast in the recipe.

This is the case with chickens of different sizes or two roasts of similar shapes.

Example of hard-boiled eggs : knowing that 65 g hen eggs require 10 min of cooking, how long should 11 g  quail eggs be cooked? The calculator gives the answer: 3 min.

On the other hand,

  • if your roast is rounder or relatively thicker, increase the calculated cooking time ;
  • if your roast is flatter or relatively thinner, you should reduce the calculated cooking time.

Online calculator

Calculate the

Cooking time is neither proportional to weight, nor proportional to thickness, but lies somewhere in between. The calculation is based on a law of physics: Fourier's number.

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