
Average atmospheric pressure in hPa

depending on altitude, from -500 m to 11'400 m

Numerical table based on the barometric levelling model. Calculated values represent the average state of the atmosphere.

Warning: latitude and weather conditions influence atmospheric pressure.

Example of table reading: What is the average atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 1800 m ?
The decomposition 1800 = 1500 + 300 brings us to the intersection of the 1500 m line and the 300 m column, where we read the pressure of 814.92 hPa.

0 100 200 300 400
-500 1074.8 1062.2 1049.8 1037.5 1025.3
0 1013.2 1001.3 989.46 977.73 966.12
500 954.62 943.23 931.95 920.78 909.72
1000 898.76 887.92 877.18 866.54 856.01
1500 845.59 835.26 825.04 814.92 804.90
2000 794.98 785.16 775.44 765.82 756.29
2500 746.86 737.53 728.29 719.14 710.09
3000 701.13 692.26 683.48 674.79 666.20
3500 657.69 649.27 640.93 632.69 624.53
4000 616.45 608.46 600.56 592.73 585.00
4500 577.34 569.76 562.27 554.85 547.51
5000 540.26 533.08 525.97 518.95 512.00
5500 505.13 498.33 491.60 484.95 478.38
6000 471.87 465.44 459.07 452.78 446.56
6500 440.41 434.33 428.31 422.36 416.48
7000 410.67 404.92 399.24 393.62 388.07
7500 382.58 377.15 371.78 366.48 361.24
8000 356.06 350.94 345.88 340.88 335.94
8500 331.05 326.23 321.46 316.74 312.09
9000 307.49 302.94 298.45 294.01 289.63
9500 285.30 281.02 276.79 272.62 268.49
10'000 264.42 260.40 256.43 252.50 248.63
10'500 244.80 241.02 237.29 233.61 229.97
11'000 226.38 222.83 219.33 215.87 212.46

Numerical table based on the barometric levelling model

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