Numerical table based on the barometric levelling model. Calculated values represent the average state of the atmosphere.
Warning: latitude and weather conditions influence atmospheric pressure.
Example of table reading: What is the average atmospheric pressure at an altitude of 1800 m ?
The decomposition 1800 = 1500 + 300 brings us to the intersection of the 1500 m line and the 300 m column, where we read the pressure of 814.92 hPa.
0 |
100 |
200 |
300 |
400 |
-500 |
1074.8 |
1062.2 |
1049.8 |
1037.5 |
1025.3 |
0 |
1013.2 |
1001.3 |
989.46 |
977.73 |
966.12 |
500 |
954.62 |
943.23 |
931.95 |
920.78 |
909.72 |
1000 |
898.76 |
887.92 |
877.18 |
866.54 |
856.01 |
1500 |
845.59 |
835.26 |
825.04 |
814.92 |
804.90 |
2000 |
794.98 |
785.16 |
775.44 |
765.82 |
756.29 |
2500 |
746.86 |
737.53 |
728.29 |
719.14 |
710.09 |
3000 |
701.13 |
692.26 |
683.48 |
674.79 |
666.20 |
3500 |
657.69 |
649.27 |
640.93 |
632.69 |
624.53 |
4000 |
616.45 |
608.46 |
600.56 |
592.73 |
585.00 |
4500 |
577.34 |
569.76 |
562.27 |
554.85 |
547.51 |
5000 |
540.26 |
533.08 |
525.97 |
518.95 |
512.00 |
5500 |
505.13 |
498.33 |
491.60 |
484.95 |
478.38 |
6000 |
471.87 |
465.44 |
459.07 |
452.78 |
446.56 |
6500 |
440.41 |
434.33 |
428.31 |
422.36 |
416.48 |
7000 |
410.67 |
404.92 |
399.24 |
393.62 |
388.07 |
7500 |
382.58 |
377.15 |
371.78 |
366.48 |
361.24 |
8000 |
356.06 |
350.94 |
345.88 |
340.88 |
335.94 |
8500 |
331.05 |
326.23 |
321.46 |
316.74 |
312.09 |
9000 |
307.49 |
302.94 |
298.45 |
294.01 |
289.63 |
9500 |
285.30 |
281.02 |
276.79 |
272.62 |
268.49 |
10'000 |
264.42 |
260.40 |
256.43 |
252.50 |
248.63 |
10'500 |
244.80 |
241.02 |
237.29 |
233.61 |
229.97 |
11'000 |
226.38 |
222.83 |
219.33 |
215.87 |
212.46 |